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India is Making East Punjab another Kashmir
In the year 2019, the Hindu fascist regime of the Bharatiya Janta Party (BJP) decided to go after the Sikhs in Punjab and the Muslims in Kashmir, the two areas with the Muslim majority. It was a well-calculated move to suppress the voices of dissent, and it has resulted in a humanitarian crisis in both areas. While the world is well aware of the situation in Kashmir, the situation in Punjab has not garnered as much attention. The Indian state is making East Punjab another Kashmir, and it is high time that the international community takes notice of the atrocities being committed against the Sikh community. There is a stark resemblance in the Indian Human Rights Violations (HRVs) being perpetrated in India's Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJ&K) and East Punjab. The Indian government has been using brute force to suppress the voices of dissent in both regions. In IIOJK, the Indian government has imposed a complete lockdown, imposed curfews, and detained political leaders, activists, and journalists. The internet and phone lines have been cut, and people are living in a state of constant fear.

In East Punjab, the government has been using similar tactics to silence the voices of dissent. The Indian government has been targeting the Sikh community, which has a long history of standing up against the Indian state’s oppression. The experts are of the view that IIOJ&K is an experimental lab of the Indian fascist state for a long, and Khalistan has been chosen to replicate the outcome. The Indian government has been using the National Investigation Agency (NIA) to target the Sikh community. The Indian government has been using the NIA as a tool to silence the voices of dissent in the Sikh community by raiding the homes of Sikh activists and detaining them without any evidence. The government has also been using the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA) to target the Sikh community. The UAPA is a draconian law that allows the Indian government to detain anyone without any evidence.

Farmers Protest: The farmer protests in East Punjab have been going on for over a year now, with thousands of farmers taking to the streets to voice their opposition to these draconian measures. The protests have been met with violence and repression from the government, with protesters being beaten, arrested, and even killed. The situation is a clear violation of the basic rights and freedoms of the farmers of East Punjab. It is imperative that the Indian government stops its attempts to take control of the region’s agricultural lands and respects the autonomy and rights of the local people. Failure to do so will only lead to further unrest and instability in the region, with potentially disastrous consequences for both the people of East Punjab and the wider Indian society.

Khalistan Referendum: As a result, the Khalistan Referendum, which calls for a separate state for the Sikhs, has gained significant traction in the international Sikh community. Referendums have been held in the entire important capital world widely, with the Sikhs overwhelmingly voting to leave the Indian Union. This has put tremendous pressure on the Indian government, which has been forced to confront the fact that the Sikhs no longer see themselves as part of the Indian nation. The government’s response has been one of repression and violence, with the arrest and detention of Sikh activists and leaders. However, this approach is unlikely to succeed in quelling the growing demand for autonomy and self-determination among the Sikh community. Like the Kashmiris, the Sikhs now realize the past mistakes of their leadership in deciding to stay in the Indian Union. They see this as a historic opportunity to break free from the shackles of Indian domination and to forge a new path for them.

 The situation in East Punjab is a clear indication of the failure of the Indian government’s policies towards minority communities. The government’s attempts to impose its will on the region through force and coercion have only served to alienate the Sikhs and push them toward greater resistance. The wounds caused by the military operation “Operation Blue Star” launched in 1984, are still fresh in the memories of Sikh citizens in East Punjab. Now, the Modi government has started another brutal crackdown on Sikhs which is further inflaming tensions and creating a sense of fear and mistrust among the community. The Modi government's attempts to Hinduize the Sikh majority in Punjab are a clear violation of the rights of minority communities in India. The Sikh community has a distinct identity and culture that must be respected and protected by the government.

The recent arrest of Amritpal Singh by the Punjab Police has raised concerns about the safety of Sikh citizens in East Punjab. Legal advisor to ‘Waris Punjab De’, Imaan Singh Khara, has stated that there is a real fear that Amritpal Singh may be killed in a fake police encounter. This is just one example of the increasing tension between the Sikh community and the Indian government. The shutdown has not only affected the farmers’ ability to communicate with each other and with the outside world but has also had a significant impact on businesses and education.

In conclusion, the Indian government is making East Punjab another Kashmir by using brute force to suppress the voices of dissent in the Sikh community. The Indian government has been using similar tactics that it has been using in IIOJK to silence the voices of dissent. The international community needs to take notice of the situation in Punjab and hold the Indian government accountable for its actions. The Indian government needs to respect the minorities living in India.

Global Courant

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