In what was immediately greeted as an escalatory address, Putin also accused the West of engaging in nuclear blackmail against Russia and warned again that the country had "lots of weapons to reply" to what he said were Western threats — adding that he was not bluffing. Putin has alluded to Russia's nuclear weaponry at various points during the conflict with Ukraine but there are doubts over whether Moscow would actually resort to deploying such a weapon, with analysts saying it could be tantamount to starting a third world war. China's foreign ministry called on all parties to engage in dialogue to find a way to address the security concerns of all parties, while British Foreign Office Minister Gillian Keegan told Sky News that Putin's comments should not be taken lightly. "Clearly it's something that we should take very seriously because, you know, we're not in control — I'm not sure he's in control either, really. This is obviously an escalation," she said.

Financial markets reacted negatively to Putin's comments with oil prices spiking more than 2% and the Russian ruble slumping around 2.6% against the dollar. Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu added more detail on the partial mobilization Wednesday morning, saying it would see 300,000 additional personnel called up to serve in the military campaign in Ukraine. In an interview with Russian state television, Shoigu said that students and those who served as conscripts would not be called up, and that the majority of Russia's reserves would not be drafted, Reuters reported.
Russia under pressure
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