Sardar Ashtari: So far, more than 700,000 Arbaeen pilgrims have returned to the country

According to IRNA's reporter, Sardar "Hossein Ashtari" on Sunday, while visiting reporters on the sidelines of visiting the official border of Khosravi and how pilgrims enter and leave, added: Also, so far, more than 2,650,000 people from the six borders of the country have gone to have left Iraq, of course, this number is variable, and we are witnessing the return of pilgrims. He said: "With the efforts of the governor, officials and all law enforcement agents, our effort is to move this population towards the Iraqi terminals, which of course is slow, but the Iraqis are working hard and trying their best." The General Police Commander of the Islamic Republic of Iran further said: Our colleagues are fully prepared until the last pilgrims leave the border and are fully at the service of the pilgrims so that they all come safely and we do not have any security problems. Sardar Ashtari added: "We are worried about the health of the pilgrims, otherwise we have no problems and our colleagues are working closely in all departments and the road police patrols are fully prepared on all routes." Khosravi, the shortest route to Karbala Ma'ali The border of Khosravi in ​​Qasr-Shirin border town has been a part of the Silk Road in the past. Khosravi-Manzaria is the main route to Baghdad, the capital of Iraq, and in this way it connects to Syria and finally to the port of Aleppo on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. Khosravi's official border is 15 km away from Qasr Shirin to Baghdad, the capital of Iraq, 190 km, Najaf 380 km, Karbala 300 km, Kazimin 203 km, and Samarra 326 km away. It is for the transportation of Iranian and Iraqi travelers and pilgrims. Qasr Shirin in the west of Kermanshah has a population of more than 27,000 people and a border with Iraq of more than 186 km, which has two official borders: Khosravi and Parviz Khan. In this city, 14 accommodation units, including hotels and guesthouses of the first to third grade with 322 rooms and 1,500 beds, have been built since the early 80s so that the pilgrims of Atbat Alaiat can spend one night in this border area on their way to Iraq. This was done with the aim of making the city prosperous and the people of Qasr-Shirin benefit from the benefits of visitors. Khosravi is one of the important and strategically located borders of our country, and this international border is the oldest official border of our country with Iraq for pilgrims of the highest shrines, which was part of the Silk Road in the past. The official border of Khosravi-Manzaria is the main route of Iran's road to Baghdad, the capital of Iraq, which then connects to Syria and finally connects to the port of Aleppo on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. Pilgrims who choose the Khosravi border to enter Iraq, after passing through the cities of Diyala and Baghdad, reach Kazmin, then Karbala and Najaf. Also, before visiting Imam Hussain (a.s.), they pay their respects to the imams buried in Kazmin and Samarra, and this is why Khosravi was nicknamed "the path of the province".

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