Community Visibility & Celebration Tuesday, September 6, 2022

New Legacy Radio

Tuesday at 10 AM Pacific Time on VoiceAmerica Variety Channel

New Legacy Radio is a social justice platform to increase the visibility of our collective community, and to discuss the changes we seek around the marginalization and oppression of our diverse community. The show addresses the social, systemic, and structural realities for people without children, and the global impact of pronatalism. We discuss key issues pertaining to DEIB (diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging) frameworks, workplace equity, public policy and media narratives. This is also a space for allies, Human Resources and DEIB professionals, policymakers and parents to gain greater awareness around the stigma and exclusion experienced by nearly 25% of the global population. Together, we will learn about the personal, professional and global impact of pronatalism for people without children, and the pervasive ways it influences and impacts everyone, within cultures, systems and organizations. Join us in taking action for meaningful change, which includes and benefits us all.

#Community #Visibility #Celebration #Tuesday #September

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